Wednesday, June 22, 2011

About Face

I think I've been to dogmatically approaching this project. Using Rich Burlew's guide has been great for inspiration, but I've got more of a reversed idea from his. He started with his thematic and mechanical desires, while I have the backdrop in mind and want to work my way to the mechanics.

That said, let's try it like this.


Our world has existed as a fantasy-standard place for however long, with great wars and legends and what-have-yous for as long as needed. Our relevant history starts when humans arrive, though. I'll touch on ancient history later, or as it rears its head, and focus on this point onward.

Suffice it to say that before the humans' arrival, elves, our resident imperial militants, were at war with each other, using their subhumans as foot soldiers for the most part. They were not aware of the dwarfs who live too far underground. This will give us two nations of elves to toy around with at a later point.

And then the wizard kings' ship arrives from space, settling on the largest continent. In the relatively large and open space they touch down on (large plateau?), they begin to dismantle their ship to build a city, the first of many. Humans are used as slave labour and military might.

From this point, they rapidly use magic, something the elves are utterly unfamiliar with, and rapidly expand, carving out a small nation of their own. The wizard kings run a campaign of rapid expansion and conquering. What they can't claim and use, they scorch behind them, so that no one else can.

Losing train of thought now. I'm gonna just leave this and add to it later.

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